Can I check for duplicate references in EndNote 21?


If you have imported a large number of references, it is possible that you will find duplicates. These can be removed using the de-duplication tool in EndNote 21.

  1. Open the group you would like to check, or select ‘All references’ to check your full library.
  2. Select ‘Library’ from the menu, and click ‘Find Duplicates’.
  3. You will then be able to compare references to decide which to keep. When you choose to keep a reference, the other will be sent to ‘Trash’.
  4. You can also choose to ‘Skip’ or ‘Cancel’, which ill place your references in a temporary ‘Duplicate References’ group (this group is deleted when you close your Library).
  • Last Updated Aug 06, 2024
  • Views 4
  • Answered By Lizzy Cross

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