How do I organise my references in Zotero?


You can organise your records into folders – Zotero calls them ‘Collections’. 

To create a new collection in the Web library, click the '+' next to My Library on the left and type in the name of your collection in the new text box.

In the App version, click ‘file’ then select ‘New Collection’. This opens a pop up for you to add the name of your new collection e.g. ‘Literature review’.   

You can see all your collections under the ‘My Library’ section on the left of the library. 

To move references to different collections, either: 

  • drag and drop the reference from the main library into the collection on the left (both App and Web library) OR

  • Right click listing and select 'Add to Collection' (App) or click listing and select 'Add to collection' folder icon at the top of the library (Web)

You can add references straight to a collection through the Zotero Connector by selecting the folder when prompted, or manually creating references within the open collection. 


  • Last Updated Jun 24, 2024
  • Views 9
  • Answered By Lizzy Cross

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