How do I export date from RefWorks and import to Zotero?


To export references form RefWoks:

  1. Log into your RefWorks account
  2. Select the folder you wish to create an exportable backup for
  3. Click the 'Share' icon on the toolbar above the reading pane
  4. Click 'Export references' - A pop-up window will appear with two options. Under the heading 'From', "All references in [folder name]" should already be selected. Under 'Format' there will be four options.
  5. Select 'RIS format'
  6. Click 'Export'

To import your reference data into Zotero:

  1. open the Zotero desktop app
  2. Select 'File' and them 'Import'
  3. Select the .'ris' you exported from RefWorks and click 'open'
  4. Make sure the 'Place imported collections and items into new collections' box is ticked to ensure your references are filed into the same folder

You can only import data into the App version of Zotero. For information on how to download, read our 'How do I download the Zotero app?' FAQ

  • Last Updated Jun 24, 2024
  • Views 21
  • Answered By Lizzy Cross

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