An edited book or anthology where each chapter or section has a different author


Some books, such as anthologies or 'edited collections' have different authors for each section or chapter. The authors of each of these sections may or may not be named as editors or contributors on the title page of the whole book.

Whenever an author or authors are named for a specific section or chapter in a book, you must use these names in your in-text citations.

Example 1:

You are using chapter 3 of the book, Biomechanical movement in sport and exercise science, 2nd edition, edited by Payton and Burton and published in 2018.

Chapter 3 of this book, 'Assessing movement coordination' was written by Peter Lamb and Roger Bartlett. You will use Lamb and Bartlett in the in-text citation:

Understanding coordination patterns can help us to improve performance in exercise (Lamb and Bartlett, 2018, p.23).

When you make your reference list entries for these sources, follow the guidance for 'Chapter or section of an edited book' in the reference lists: guide and examples.

Example 2

In the anthology Common people, edited by Kit de Waal, published in 2019, you're quoting a part of Daljit Nagra's reflection 'Steve'. You use Nagra's name in your in-text citation:

"perhaps he was held back by the narratives of entitlement for blue-collar workers constructed by the powers that be..?" (Nagra, 2019, p.79).

Note that it doesn't matter when the section of the anthology you're using was originally written: you always use the year of publication of the anthology in your in-text citation.

"A thing of beauty is a joy for ever; / Its loveliness increases; it will never / Pass into nothingness" (Keats, 2012, p.1398).

To make your reference list entry for sources in anthologies, use the guidance for 'Anthologies (collections) of texts' in the reference lists: guide and examples

  • Last Updated Jul 25, 2023
  • Views 31
  • Answered By Lizzy Cross

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