Can I link to a journal article or a chapter from a book that is available electronically via Newman’s Library?


It depends on the licence. You should start by checking our A-Z list of online library resources. Find the resource and then click on ‘Permitted uses for this resource’. This will give you a list of things you can and can’t do. In this case you want to check it says ‘Yes’ next to the option to ‘Link to content from Moodle’.

You should also consider if linking to content will be the most appropriate way to give your students access. Some of our licences limit the number of students who can access an individual title at the same time: this means that e-books are not always the best solution for high-demand titles. If this is the case, it might be better to provide your students with access to a scan: you can do by filling out an Academic Request Form.

You must always clearly acknowledge the name of the e-resource and publisher in the information alongside the link. For more information check out our guide on How to add a link on Moodle.

For more help or advice on linking to a journal article or chapter from a book contact your Academic Service Librarian.


  • Last Updated Oct 26, 2023
  • Views 52
  • Answered By Newman Library

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